So for those who are out of the loop, r/ActualPublicFreakouts formed from the frustration of non-public freakouts were becoming more common on the original subreddit. As of late there has become a more noticeable shift in what types of posts get to the top of the pages. I've also seen comments in passing the past few months accusing r/ActualPublicFreakouts being full of racist nazis in other subreddits.
The question is how long before a move to censor or outright ban the spin off subreddit since the political and cultural shift goes against the Reddit group think.
You can't not have experience with men. Every feminist has met and dealt with men for their entire life, except in extremely rare cases.
You can however, have little to zero experience with black people. Or any race even. Which makes having your only exposure to them be a constant bombardment of negative actions taint your view.
Do note that I said "end up more racist", which is not "being racist." There are levels you see, a spectrum even. If you start at neutral and this information makes you think slightly negative about the group, that's what I was going for. You don't just see a video and go "WHELP TIME TO UNLOAD MY NINE IN THE WELFARE LINE AND COMMIT GENOCIDE." That's a choice of extremity.
Either way, you've beaten the shit out of the strawman's arguments preemptively, so good on you.
Oh, I never accused you of making that argument. I just hate the argument, and I see it a lot.
I'll go even further, there are genuine racists that intentionally try to push people into accepting a racialist narrative because they are flooded with negative imagery and an affirming narrative. This is literally the purpose of "EVERY. SINGLE. TIME."