Live in Seattle where they have postponed city electric utility payments starting in March and have extended it now until the end of year. So I didn't pay them because I didn't have to, and I hate those people anyway. There is already in place a city of Seattle regulation prohibiting the disconnection of utilities for non-payment during the winter months of November - March in any year.
So feasibly, I can now continue to not pay electricity until next March. How do they suppose to get an entire year of utility payments once March 2021 rolls around? I don't see how people will be able to come up with a year of back payments.
So what will they do then? I think they're going to write it off somehow and non-payers will be off the hook.
I'm riding this to the end to see what happens. (we are also planning to move out of state after the first of the year, come and get me baby.)
Thoughts on how this will shake out?
Normally they'd just sell the unpaid bill to a collections agency and let them deal with it. But if there's a lot of people who do the same thing such that it puts SCL in significant financial difficulty, I don't know.
Smart move leaving the state though. I have to figure out a plan for that myself.
Our son moved to Montana last summer, he loves it there. The entire west coast is shot, government has careened out of control.
Smaller towns can still be pretty chill though the big cities have all turned to shit, even though i'm in a smaller town that thankfully doesn't have it's head up it's ass (somewhat rare for the west-side of the state) i'm still tempted to move to somewhere where the governor (Inslee) isn't a raging retard.
I called him a retard too in a reddit post, and word filtered down that someone had reported it to admins as hate speech.