I was in a retail shop today, checking out the merchendise
to my surprise, the local one near me didn't even bother to stock physical copies of Nig's creed, they told me if i want to buy they have digital codes (sent either to mail or phone)
which signals one thing, not even retailers are buying this crap.
Publishers should be careful what they wish for by pushing an all-digital library. Retailers used to eat a loss with shipped physical copies because they didn't want to deal with shipping them back to the distributor, but now GameStop is dying and Walmart is downsizing their video game department.
i mean why even bother with physical copies when most game copies require you to download like 50GB+ of updates just to launch the game? and afaik its fucking MANDATORY on gaystation, no idea if its the same on Xbox but i'd recon it works the same way
Remember back in the old days, when companies sold you complete games and "editions" also came with the DLC on the DISK instead of a downloadable code? (Dark Souls prepare to die, mass effect 1, Fable 2 and many other examples)
I was in a retail shop today, checking out the merchendise
to my surprise, the local one near me didn't even bother to stock physical copies of Nig's creed, they told me if i want to buy they have digital codes (sent either to mail or phone)
which signals one thing, not even retailers are buying this crap.
Publishers should be careful what they wish for by pushing an all-digital library. Retailers used to eat a loss with shipped physical copies because they didn't want to deal with shipping them back to the distributor, but now GameStop is dying and Walmart is downsizing their video game department.
i mean why even bother with physical copies when most game copies require you to download like 50GB+ of updates just to launch the game? and afaik its fucking MANDATORY on gaystation, no idea if its the same on Xbox but i'd recon it works the same way
Remember back in the old days, when companies sold you complete games and "editions" also came with the DLC on the DISK instead of a downloadable code? (Dark Souls prepare to die, mass effect 1, Fable 2 and many other examples)