If retarded idle-clicker/NFT flotsom games with a shoestring budget have realized the marketing power of botting absurd player numbers as a marketing ploy, I have no reason to believe Ubsoft haven't.
We haven't been able to take large player numbers as a reliable metric for years now. There's almost no reason or method to artificially deflate player numbers from the real one, so low numbers still have some diagnostic value. Big numbers are just a mystery box though.
If retarded idle-clicker/NFT flotsom games with a shoestring budget have realized the marketing power of botting absurd player numbers as a marketing ploy, I have no reason to believe Ubsoft haven't.
We haven't been able to take large player numbers as a reliable metric for years now. There's almost no reason or method to artificially deflate player numbers from the real one, so low numbers still have some diagnostic value. Big numbers are just a mystery box though.
They don't even need to bot...it's their platform, they can say whatever numbers they want.