Don't you realize you undermine your message when you post lies and double down when it's pointed out? You're either incredibly stupid or deliberately trying to destroy any chance of actual noticing
Claiming that "it does matter" that Jews push whoring, hedonism and abortion on White America. That they're still subverting and sabotaging our civilization. It's not that long of a thread, moron. How many other forums are you juggling your lies on that you can't follow a brief discussion here?
Did you miss the sentence at the bottom?
Partially cropped images will be the death of men.
Image [go to the tweet page to see the bottom text]
Doesn't matter. They still push whoring, hedonism and abortion on White America.
They're still subverting and sabotaging our civilization. As always. That's a hard fact.
It does matter. It invalidates your original argument and opens you up to ad hominem attacks.
Doesn't matter. They still push whoring, hedonism and abortion on White America.
They're still subverting and sabotaging our civilization. As always. That's a hard fact.
Don't you realize you undermine your message when you post lies and double down when it's pointed out? You're either incredibly stupid or deliberately trying to destroy any chance of actual noticing
No, you're the one posting lies. I have to repeat the truth, which you never address, in order to expose your lies.
What am I lying about?
Claiming that "it does matter" that Jews push whoring, hedonism and abortion on White America. That they're still subverting and sabotaging our civilization. It's not that long of a thread, moron. How many other forums are you juggling your lies on that you can't follow a brief discussion here?
The only way I’m helping any Jews become parents is by rawdogging Abby Shapiro or Kat Dennings.
Someone is a boobs guy
This chick?
Uh oh the individuals are acting individually again