First of all, I should clarify, I'm not a white supremacist, however I feel that different cultures have different values and certain fields will naturally be overrepresented by certain races, and when you find "equity" you're finding mediocrity being ignored for an agenda.
Now with Penn and Teller Fool Us, probably about 90% of the people doing the magic are white men.
There are a smattering of other races, including black, asian, etc. And on the very rare occasion a woman.
Because magic is not only nerdy and niche, it can't just be appropriated the way other hobbies are. It takes years of effort to be considered qualified to be a magician. Not so easy huh trannies as it is to just flood some fandom and say you're a fan now?
When you see a black man on stage on the show Penn and Teller Fool Us, you know darn well that he deserves to be there, because, for one, he has to prove that fact on television and also because magic is something that requires years of dedication and skilled practice and if you haven't done that, it's going to be obvious immediately.
It might be the most merit based reality show ever made.
You watch a cooking show like master chef and the judges can say whatever they want, as can the producers manipulate however they want. That's why every Master Chef episode looks like a Mcdonald's commercial or any modern video game.
Magic isn't subjective like that. To even get there, you had to have been honing your craft for at least years.
If it were a show about beginner magicians, they'd no doubt make the show fill a quota of 40% women, 60% non-white and find plenty of people who don't care about magic, but just want to be on television then have these non magicians be taught enough that they can perform entry level tricks on TV and push the non-white, and probably women and "trans" to the winning spots.
But, whether they thought through the implications or not, they decided to make a show where the goal is to fool professional magicians, so by nature, you're going to have to have the best of the best be on the show or else they'd embarrass themselves.
So, yeah the few non-white people who are contestants, it's obvious that they deserve to be there, and due to it being pure merit based, it's like 90% white men.
Yeah, Penn, though I disagree with him on much, like his atheism, used to be a very intelligent and principled thinker who was entertaining to listen to, and you're right, he actually respects Christians who evangelize because he says that if you truly believe eternity is at stake, how much would a Christian have to hate me to not want to try and preach about the dangers of hell, and that the Christians who aren't doing that because they want to be "nice" would be like not shoving someone out of the way of an incoming truck because you're worried you'll offend them for shoving them.
And yeah, I heard that TDS has made him not such a good thinker like he used to be.
Penn is only maths and verbal smarts at best. Could tell from his reaction to Trump on The Apprentice. He could be lying, but he claimed Trump is a low intellect narcissist who only talked abt himself and expressed no interest in other people. Trump is actually very interested in other people who have interesting things to say. Someone like Elon Musk he'll talk abt all the time weaving the other person's stories together with his own. Otoh if he finds you boring or doesn't like you, he'll intentionally forget your name and ignore you. Penn, if world famous mega mogul friend to kings and paupers alike Donald Trump ignored your little cocktail party stories, that's a you problem buddy.