There is a reason why the Eve video took like 3 years, it wasn't the length as he just regurgitated a novel for most of it.
I imagine that avenue drying up is why he is back to making these, as he was on record saying he didn't want to anymore. Its his only profitable venture.
Any day with a new Down the Rabbit Hole is a good day. Do I care about the topic? Not until I am an hour into the video! There are maybe 3 out of the whole series that didn't land it and I'm open to the possibility that I just haven't watched them enough.
DTRH is a true gem of a series, some of his older works are downright the definitive way of learning about an obscure topic.
I wish he still did more of it, instead of treating it as secondary to being a wierd furry/yaoi vtuber.
Hmm.. Could’ve got without knowing that. He has a Farms thread and everything..
There is a reason why the Eve video took like 3 years, it wasn't the length as he just regurgitated a novel for most of it.
I imagine that avenue drying up is why he is back to making these, as he was on record saying he didn't want to anymore. Its his only profitable venture.
Any day with a new Down the Rabbit Hole is a good day. Do I care about the topic? Not until I am an hour into the video! There are maybe 3 out of the whole series that didn't land it and I'm open to the possibility that I just haven't watched them enough.
the boy's got presenter's skills.
Dwarf fortress has been a favorite of mine for years.
i might try the new version with updated graphics. ascii worlds are a bit minimalist, even for my taste, lmao
I enjoy it. It gives it a new feel
not crapping on it, i'd just be hopelessly lost constantly, especially with the amount of things i'd need to keep track of already, lol.
Yeah it's a micromanagement game. I enjoy those personally.
oh that i don't mind, i enjoy the good god game from time to time.
but the limit ascii graphics screw me up, lol. it's very confusing.
The steam version makes it much easier on the eyes and understanding what's going on.
Like the other guy said it's good.