Much like the FBI, the Mounties are more likely to "find" CP that they planted on a computer belonging to someone they don't like than they are to prosecute an actual pedo.
The BC kangoroo court of ''human rights'' was actively helping Jonathan Yaniv legally harass female beauticians who refused to wax his balls.
The only reason the kangoroo court's judge didn't rule in favor of the plaintif was because Yaniv yapped publicly too much against the defendants for being immigrants not respecting tranny Canadian culture enough by performing gendeer-affirming ball-waxing.
Bonus lulz : at the time the legal filings were using the name ''Jonathan Yaniv''.
These courts need to be dismantled. The one in Québec that went after Mike Ward for jokes about a child celebrity, was later found out to be packed with pedos in high level positions.
Maby they were just mad that Ward was insulting their preteen waifu.
It's just a matter of getting a law enforcement official 5min with yaniv's phone/pc and he'll not be a problem anymore.
We know he's obviously got cp. All we need is a reason to get eyes on his devices.
The RCMP was recorded OPENLY REFUSING to investigate Yaniv's sex crime allegations.
Don't want to upset the trannys.
I didn't know that but I still somehow knew. I said "get eyes on" because it would have to be for a different reason. Lol.
Like those guys who send devices in for repair and a worker finds it
Much like the FBI, the Mounties are more likely to "find" CP that they planted on a computer belonging to someone they don't like than they are to prosecute an actual pedo.
The King's Cowgirls are a thoroughly captured institution.
Ah, yes... Just what this world needs, more of "WAX MY BALLS" Yaniv's antics.
In Canuckstan they expect the victim to provide the lotion themselves.
Yaniv is basically the poster child for "would be institutionalized in a healthy society."
In the past I would have laughed, but the seriousness deranged faggots' accusations are treated with is no longer funny.
The BC kangoroo court of ''human rights'' was actively helping Jonathan Yaniv legally harass female beauticians who refused to wax his balls.
The only reason the kangoroo court's judge didn't rule in favor of the plaintif was because Yaniv yapped publicly too much against the defendants for being immigrants not respecting tranny Canadian culture enough by performing gendeer-affirming ball-waxing.
Bonus lulz : at the time the legal filings were using the name ''Jonathan Yaniv''.
These courts need to be dismantled. The one in Québec that went after Mike Ward for jokes about a child celebrity, was later found out to be packed with pedos in high level positions.
Maby they were just mad that Ward was insulting their preteen waifu.
At least we can all agree that this demonic pedo should be [hypothetically and in an alternate universe away from Dom] Rule 2 violated into oblivion