What percentage of the population do think would identify lolicon as child porn? Among those people - probably 95% or more - how many are pedophiles? And do you think the rate is higher or lower than that of the pro-lolicon contingent?
What’s the assertion here? That you need to be careful when opposing degenerate depictions of child pornography because if you oppose them “too much” you are outing yourself as a pedo? Okay, in that case, everyone go easy on the anti-lolicon! Give those pervs a break!
I honestly don't know (and it's never been a subject that interests me). That said, most people would probably agree a drawing isn't CP because no actual children were harmed in the making. Using references is certainly a grayer area.
On that note, isn't "loli -> pedophilia" a similarly specious argument to "violent video games -> RL violence" ?
Many of the most vocal anti-pedo voices were outed as actual nonces, make of that what you will.
Edit: anti-lolicon as well, but the original statement holds true
What percentage of the population do think would identify lolicon as child porn? Among those people - probably 95% or more - how many are pedophiles? And do you think the rate is higher or lower than that of the pro-lolicon contingent?
What’s the assertion here? That you need to be careful when opposing degenerate depictions of child pornography because if you oppose them “too much” you are outing yourself as a pedo? Okay, in that case, everyone go easy on the anti-lolicon! Give those pervs a break!
I honestly don't know (and it's never been a subject that interests me). That said, most people would probably agree a drawing isn't CP because no actual children were harmed in the making. Using references is certainly a grayer area.
On that note, isn't "loli -> pedophilia" a similarly specious argument to "violent video games -> RL violence" ?