He had the fervour of the hunt back before they turned on him.
That's what he should focus on with his redemption arc, the glee he had when he thought he was the valiant saviour and the vile vigour he got off on when thinking he was doing the right thing.
If people understood the serotonin kick some get on social media they could make room for forgiveness. But as it is he's not accepting how rude and gloating his behaviour was and is still reminiscent of a typical male feminist.
So he's going to bring back The IT Crowd episode with the Internet, right? You know the one that has the boss in a bare fist brawl with the "woman" who 'used to be a man' and is played by an actual female actress because no guy can ever pass properly so the deception needed the extra layers of subterfuge. One of the best and most memorable episodes for a lot of the other things going on in that episode, mostly centering on the normies reaction to "The Internet" rather than the troon stuff, but the latter ended up getting the former pulled because suddenly it was "problematic" under $CurrentThings.
"And how I helped before being thrown in the pit with the same deplorables I smeared for years until it affected me in ways I didn't like."
He had the fervour of the hunt back before they turned on him.
That's what he should focus on with his redemption arc, the glee he had when he thought he was the valiant saviour and the vile vigour he got off on when thinking he was doing the right thing.
If people understood the serotonin kick some get on social media they could make room for forgiveness. But as it is he's not accepting how rude and gloating his behaviour was and is still reminiscent of a typical male feminist.
So he's going to bring back The IT Crowd episode with the Internet, right? You know the one that has the boss in a bare fist brawl with the "woman" who 'used to be a man' and is played by an actual female actress because no guy can ever pass properly so the deception needed the extra layers of subterfuge. One of the best and most memorable episodes for a lot of the other things going on in that episode, mostly centering on the normies reaction to "The Internet" rather than the troon stuff, but the latter ended up getting the former pulled because suddenly it was "problematic" under $CurrentThings.
The first 15 minutes are a prewritten speech and the last 15 minutes are a Q&A with those in attendance at the Genspect event.