Wearing an isreali flag? How do you wear a flag? Lucky they had it in her size. Odd fucking move though, wandering through a foreign country, wearing your flag that uses a religious symbol as it's center.
Also they call it "Christinia." Would that be the "Chrsitinia Freetown?" The shit hole open air drug market that biker gangs used to fight over?
And it was men of "strong middle eastern appearance." What a fucking phrase. Did the IDF text that to you before the interview?
She says she was "almost lynched." And "When I finally got through to the police, the policeman didn't ask if I was okay. Instead, he asked me why I was carrying an Israeli flag in an area like Christiania." Holy fuck, she found the smartest cop I've ever heard of, and in Denmark no less!
Notice how they demand speech and religious rights for themselves but if anyone else dares do as they do you MUST be deported. and you know as soon as he lands the IDF is going to paint a target on wherever he lives. isreal first everywhere you look. watch out Houthis!
Wearing an isreali flag? How do you wear a flag? Lucky they had it in her size. Odd fucking move though, wandering through a foreign country, wearing your flag that uses a religious symbol as it's center.
I think this is what I mean by jews having no self or situational awareness. They should probably realise, it isn't 1990 or 2000 any more yet they go out of their way to wear a fucking flag. Like damn, she goes to muslim-infested country with dumb wearable flag, at this point, she's inviting a beatdown.
Wearing an isreali flag? How do you wear a flag? Lucky they had it in her size. Odd fucking move though, wandering through a foreign country, wearing your flag that uses a religious symbol as it's center.
Also they call it "Christinia." Would that be the "Chrsitinia Freetown?" The shit hole open air drug market that biker gangs used to fight over?
And it was men of "strong middle eastern appearance." What a fucking phrase. Did the IDF text that to you before the interview?
She says she was "almost lynched." And "When I finally got through to the police, the policeman didn't ask if I was okay. Instead, he asked me why I was carrying an Israeli flag in an area like Christiania." Holy fuck, she found the smartest cop I've ever heard of, and in Denmark no less!
Notice how they demand speech and religious rights for themselves but if anyone else dares do as they do you MUST be deported. and you know as soon as he lands the IDF is going to paint a target on wherever he lives. isreal first everywhere you look. watch out Houthis!
I think this is what I mean by jews having no self or situational awareness. They should probably realise, it isn't 1990 or 2000 any more yet they go out of their way to wear a fucking flag. Like damn, she goes to muslim-infested country with dumb wearable flag, at this point, she's inviting a beatdown.