Wearing an isreali flag? How do you wear a flag? Lucky they had it in her size. Odd fucking move though, wandering through a foreign country, wearing your flag that uses a religious symbol as it's center.
I think this is what I mean by jews having no self or situational awareness. They should probably realise, it isn't 1990 or 2000 any more yet they go out of their way to wear a fucking flag. Like damn, she goes to muslim-infested country with dumb wearable flag, at this point, she's inviting a beatdown.
I think this is what I mean by jews having no self or situational awareness. They should probably realise, it isn't 1990 or 2000 any more yet they go out of their way to wear a fucking flag. Like damn, she goes to muslim-infested country with dumb wearable flag, at this point, she's inviting a beatdown.