Curious if anyone has played through and if it’s worth the price tag
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No, get Rise + Sunbreak. Runs great without requiring a NASA supercomputer and co-op fixed the story related breaks that World had. It goes on sale for super cheap. (I got both for $10 total recently). Plus, it's just really darn good. I've already got 100 hours in and plenty to do still.
Wilds is baby's first Monster Hunter with all the modern walking cutscenes and challenge surgically removed all for an absurd price.
You don't get to call anything baby's first monster hunter if you're advocating rise, or world.
Play the real monster hunter games if you want to talk shit, not "free environmental damage, free get out of jail moves, monsters helping you kill eachother, unlimited items" bullshit. Rise is better at being a spiderman game than it is at being monster hunter. The new games stripped the soul of monster hunter from the gameplay, and made the hunter basically dante doing animal abuse instead of someone actually using timing and strategy to fight a monster that is overwhelmingly stronger and faster than them.
You'll just have to come up with a term to describe how much easier Wilds is than Rise and World then. There's no doubt the legacy games are in a league their own, but Wilds is another step past the previous games in difficulty reduction.