Fentanyl is an Opioid.
Meth is a Stimulant.
George floyd's autopsy bloodwork at the hospital showed a large amount of fentanyl and a smaller amount of meth.
In a study of cardiac arrest deaths, caused by a drug overdose, guess what the most dangerous combination was? An opioid and a stimulant.
The incidence of overdose-related cardiac arrests more than doubled in King County, Washington, from 2015 to 2021, with the biggest increase among people who had consumed opioids combined with stimulants, according to a new study. That drug profile was also the most lethal among four profiles evaluated.
The opioid+stimulant mix also was associated with worse survival than opioids alone or stimulants alone. Chatterjee hypothesized that this might be due to the dual-organ impact of opioids, which primarily affect the respiratory system, and stimulants, which can increase the risk of cardiac arrhythmias.
I would imagine that Floyd was fucked whether he did some meth or not. He had swallowed enough fentanyl to kill a horse. Multiple horses even.
That is true.
He didn't OD like "doing his usual dose just got a bit to much".
He OD'd like "put his entire stash for the week in his mouth".
Someone said floyds drugs were labelled oxytocin. Though the label was deceptive and it was actually fentanyl and meth. Apparently the fentanyl/meth combination will dissolve in the mouth and is severely more dangerous to hide in your mouth, but, floyd didn't know that.
The real fact that surprised me was that fentanyl overdose can cause cardiac arrest. The stereotype of fentanyl overdose is the unconscious zombie thing followed by death from a lack of oxygen.