A year or so ago the German navy sent a few ships to protect shipping vessels from Houthi attacks. After a training exercise down there they realized they had to go back home because they ran out of ammo and had no stocks to resupply.
Another fun story from around that time: Germany wanted to donate Soviet era weapons to Ukraine. However, when they wanted to take them out of storage they realized they were all moldy and couldn't be handled without hazmat suits.
What little functional weaponry we had we already gave to Ukraine.
Meanwhile they splurged on new parade uniforms, pregnancy uniforms for tank crews and parades for their tranny commander. I wish I was joking.
...forget how morally repugnant that idea even is, how the fuck would a pregnant woman fit in a tank in the first place? isn't space generally at a premium in those things!?!
Norwegian military went on a air quality testing spree after the initial introduction of lead-free 5.56 and the HK416 caused heavy metal poisoning. Long story.
But they also did a lot of testing in tanks and APCs, and the reports basically stated the inside of one of those are unhealthy as fuck.
Crews shouldn't even be breathing the air straight when live firing.
Not a place anyone pregnant should be hanging out at all.
The fuck are they doing with them?
We don't have any.
A year or so ago the German navy sent a few ships to protect shipping vessels from Houthi attacks. After a training exercise down there they realized they had to go back home because they ran out of ammo and had no stocks to resupply.
Another fun story from around that time: Germany wanted to donate Soviet era weapons to Ukraine. However, when they wanted to take them out of storage they realized they were all moldy and couldn't be handled without hazmat suits.
What little functional weaponry we had we already gave to Ukraine.
Meanwhile they splurged on new parade uniforms, pregnancy uniforms for tank crews and parades for their tranny commander. I wish I was joking.
...forget how morally repugnant that idea even is, how the fuck would a pregnant woman fit in a tank in the first place? isn't space generally at a premium in those things!?!
Norwegian military went on a air quality testing spree after the initial introduction of lead-free 5.56 and the HK416 caused heavy metal poisoning. Long story.
But they also did a lot of testing in tanks and APCs, and the reports basically stated the inside of one of those are unhealthy as fuck. Crews shouldn't even be breathing the air straight when live firing. Not a place anyone pregnant should be hanging out at all.