Kingdom come delivered (removes all DEI from game)
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Yeah the jew questline to defend the jews from the pogrom should've been optional at best, but is literally part of the main quest because the jews are "allies" against sigismund and after the "pogrom" they finance the "resistance" to sigismund
its obviously very hamfisted and forced, but i'd honestly tolerate that than the fucking Musa being le epic nigger that manages to resolve a clergical dispute in the Italian quarter questline (who also, magically, saves Henry from Erik in a custscene, because its obvious that le epic nigger who is a self-admitted coward, is actually a heroic and valiant nigger!)
in all honesty the end-game portion of this game is mega-woke, like not even the last of us 2 crammed so much juadism down the consumer's throat but this one? this goes full synagogue.
Musa is unbearable. If you stopped seeing him after Sigismund's camp, I'd be OK with it. Although his preachiness about how great his people are and how bad yours are would have gotten him knocked the F' out. Then they started forcing him in the rest of the way and he got annoying. Him saving Henry was the lowest point of the game.
I did get the mod to change his look before I even played the game (which I sailed the high seas anyway), but it still didn't make him less of a jackass.
The Jews are also forced and having a synagogue (which didn't exist) and no churches is all is a travesty, however, they at least had a semi-decent story reason for being there. I found Musa to be way worse.
It's sad because the game is good overall. I hope that as they release modding tools, someone can truly remove the garbage.