Correct. Television programming or movies like this have historically been a big part of constructing the master narrative. Man would have never gotten to the moon if it wasn’t for a black lady janitor who realized the idiots forgot to carry the one on a fundamental equation that was written on a chalkboard of a room she was cleaning!
“Predictive Programming is theory that the government or other higher-ups are using fictional movies or books as a mass mind control tool to make the population more accepting of planned future events. This was described by researcher Alan Watt who defines Predictive programming as “Predictive programming is a subtle form of psychological conditioning provided by the media to acquaint the public with planned societal changes to be implemented by our leaders.
I started the first episode, I usually watch this stuff while im playing something or programming. I had to roll my eyes during one scene when someone yells out in the crowd (the people stuck under the building are prolly crisis actors!) and it leads the main character into this 5 minute speech about conspiracy theorists lmao.
I assumed hes not crazy though, that hes being brainwashed or something by the electronics.
This is not some weirdly specific coincidence.
This was The Plan, from the beginning.
Correct. Television programming or movies like this have historically been a big part of constructing the master narrative. Man would have never gotten to the moon if it wasn’t for a black lady janitor who realized the idiots forgot to carry the one on a fundamental equation that was written on a chalkboard of a room she was cleaning!
Its called predictive programming.
I started the first episode, I usually watch this stuff while im playing something or programming. I had to roll my eyes during one scene when someone yells out in the crowd (the people stuck under the building are prolly crisis actors!) and it leads the main character into this 5 minute speech about conspiracy theorists lmao.
I assumed hes not crazy though, that hes being brainwashed or something by the electronics.