Has anyone tried Grok 3 as a DM? I've tried it for both DND 5e (with a friend) and Call of Cthulhu 2e (solo)
It's honestly a lot better than I expected, even if I feel that it's a bit too generous with the storytelling/rolls. I think it fudges a bit and leans on the side of the player
I haven't tried Grok 3 as DM but I have with chatgpt and it 100% course corrects and try its best to make sure the good guys prevail.
You need to open with a prompt to tell it something like be fair and that game ending abruptly is a possibility and it's okay.
and also I would tell it not to roll, instead tell you what to roll and to tell it the results and continue based on rolls. And have all the modifiers and DC laid out ahead of time so no fuckery with those if you report a bad roll.
Man... I wonder if it can do revised Vampire the Masquerade, let me get my sour punch straws and have the Matrix or Hackers running in the background.