78 Shock of the century: the guy who stabbed a Spanish tourist in Berlin (Germany) was an 'asylum seeker' from Syria (www.bild.de) posted 19 days ago by AntonioOfVenice 19 days ago by AntonioOfVenice +79 / -1 Messer-Angriff am Holocaust-Mahnmal: Täter ist Asylbewerber aus Syrien Berlin – Nach dem Messer-Angriff am Holocaust-Mahnmal mitten in Berlin erfuhr BILD: Es handelt sich beim Täter offenbar um einen Asylbewerber aus Syrien. 29 comments share 29 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Where can native Europeans find refuge from these 'refugees'?
Basically in America. Unfortunately that door closed a century ago.
You get the 12/60 problem here though.
In Siria…