Paywall Subreddits Are Coming This Year: Padded Rooms Full Of Crazies Paid For By Your Rich Uncle
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Trump repealed Section 230?
You are thinking too linearly in terms of content, curation and publishing.
Paid subs can't ban, shadowban or censor paying members' comments, if they try to then they enter a whole legal quagmire as to who holds content which can't be seen by paying members in order for its value to be judged. And that's only the beginning of that particular path.
And so qualified trannies (Or an AI quality assurance filter) would then have to be used to justify actions taken to a court of law, with a public record of events. That level of responsibility for a company on the stock market will come with a substantial monetary value.
Once there are paid people, or intelligent agents, deciding what can, or cannot, be seen by paying members of a particular sub there will be corruption - pick your poison from the many already shown to be at hand on that front!
Once corruption is provable and held to account Reddit dies.