Just curious. I get the feeling the majority of the users on this sub are either outright atheist, or 'support Christianity as a bedrock of Western Civilization, but don't really believe it' agnostic/atheist. Feel free not to answer if you don't want to reveal that about yourself, just a thought I had.
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I'm not sure of the exact makeup here, but I know we've got a fair number of Christians for sure. Probably more than atheists/agnostics. I know there are definitely some atheists, but I think they're a minority. But I could be wrong, so I definitely hope people weigh in here and give us an idea of actual representation of each group.
As for me, I grew up an, and I'm not a big fan of the terminology but, "agnostic theist." I always believed in God, but I wasn't sure if anyone was ultimately out there or not. Eventually, and I don't know what prompted it, but I realized that I couldn't imagine there not being a God, actually.
So, I'm still non-religious - that might change someday, I certainly flirt with it from time to time - but I definitely believe in God.
That would technically be "nonbeliever" more than anything I think.
I think the term agnostic means "without knowledge" ... it sounds like that doesn't apply to you at all my friend! Be Well!!
Agnostics believe that proof is impossible within this world.
While they are correct, it misses the point. It doesn't matter if there is a God. It does matter if we carry our burdens and strive to make the world better using guiding principles. Both require faith.
Nations founded on Protestant principles are more peaceful and more prosperous. You can compare that to godless faiths like Marxism and Feminism. Both which destroy civilization.