The episode is about hipsters moving into a latino neighborhood in Arlen, Texas and increasing property values causing Hank's Mexican friend to be unable to afford to live in the neighborhood. So the problem is presented as white people being where they don't belong, and bringing value to a place.
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Neighborhoods require a collective of similarly inspired people to thrive. The lower that collective cohesion or ethic is the more rundown and low income the area becomes. That low income area attracts “gentrification” because it is an easy area to invest in for quick returns. That competition entering the neighborhood makes a schism that requires the current tenets to match the ethics and also invest themselves in the area/ their property or complain about the “costs” (which is their property gaining value) and eventually either trying to destroy the new ethics or leaving for another low cohesion neighborhood. This can be seen on every level from local neighborhoods to nations themselves. This same aspect is also why leftists hate suburbia and nationalism, they are high cohesion and ethic driven values that require constant maintenance and effort to maintain.
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