I don't agree that they should be at the back of the list for F-35's. We need an Air Force facing Russian incursions, period. Obviously the Liberal party sought to destroy the military and bankrupt the country, what else would they do?
To be fair, they got back into the F-35 program when Biden was still president, so it is not like he had any real incentive to make the orders on a "in our national interest" basis instead of a "first come, first serve" basis that he actually did. Trump would probably be willing to rework that deal to make sure they can at least get a few of them so that they arent flying 40 year old death traps into the air. Not that Trudeau would renegotiate that deal, mind you, but maybe if someone else gets in charge of Canada.
I've also had friends in several foreign militaries in the Anglosphere and there's something really terrible about how badly they get treated.
For as much as some people say we dont care about NATO anymore, sometimes it really does seem like we Americans give more of a shit about Europe's military than the Europeans do. Whenever you look at those polls and studies done that show that Western Europe has some of the lowest approval ratings of the US of anywhere on Earth, I can almost guarantee if you only did their militaries it would start looking like Asia and their 70%+ approvals across the continent.
But then, I would bet a lot of the European leaders would sneer down their nose at their own militaries about how "of course you would like those dumb cowboys, because you are dumb cowboys too", because they have gotten fat and safe in the world they built that has allowed them to ignore Rules for Rulers Rule 0 ("Keep the Army Happy") for too long.
EDIT: And because I recently saw this and it always pisses me off when I see it, the European Elitism that many of them engage in where they look at American telling them that the way they are doing things is ass and maybe they should act more like real allies instead of fat slobs and say "You dumb cowboys! We will just create a Unified European Army and then we wont need you anymore!" drives me batty.
The only one on that entire godforsaken continent that actually makes all of their own gear is the French, almost all of Europe is currently in the process of buying F-35's because every attempt to make something better than it has utterly failed no matter how much money they threw at it, Eastern Europe would rather work than the American military than the French military (so there goes half of your "European Army" right off the rip), they have been struggling to meet recruitment for their militaries, and on and on. I saw one dumb motherfucker try to say that they should just kick the US out of AUKUS and get British made submarines instead of American ones because "Trump said we are bad allies, so lets show him what a real bad ally looks like."
Luckily it is mostly just Reddit being Reddit, but I do get very annoyed when the NAFO type Euro-Elitism gets into my subreddit I go to for military memes and waifu bait. It was funny a few days ago to watch them all going nuts over an artist that did some good S. Vietnamese waifu art, only to then turn on said artist because they had a lot of "Vietnamese-Americans for Trump" stuff on their Twitter.
To be fair, they got back into the F-35 program when Biden was still president, so it is not like he had any real incentive to make the orders on a "in our national interest" basis instead of a "first come, first serve" basis that he actually did. Trump would probably be willing to rework that deal to make sure they can at least get a few of them so that they arent flying 40 year old death traps into the air. Not that Trudeau would renegotiate that deal, mind you, but maybe if someone else gets in charge of Canada.
For as much as some people say we dont care about NATO anymore, sometimes it really does seem like we Americans give more of a shit about Europe's military than the Europeans do. Whenever you look at those polls and studies done that show that Western Europe has some of the lowest approval ratings of the US of anywhere on Earth, I can almost guarantee if you only did their militaries it would start looking like Asia and their 70%+ approvals across the continent.
But then, I would bet a lot of the European leaders would sneer down their nose at their own militaries about how "of course you would like those dumb cowboys, because you are dumb cowboys too", because they have gotten fat and safe in the world they built that has allowed them to ignore Rules for Rulers Rule 0 ("Keep the Army Happy") for too long.
EDIT: And because I recently saw this and it always pisses me off when I see it, the European Elitism that many of them engage in where they look at American telling them that the way they are doing things is ass and maybe they should act more like real allies instead of fat slobs and say "You dumb cowboys! We will just create a Unified European Army and then we wont need you anymore!" drives me batty.
The only one on that entire godforsaken continent that actually makes all of their own gear is the French, almost all of Europe is currently in the process of buying F-35's because every attempt to make something better than it has utterly failed no matter how much money they threw at it, Eastern Europe would rather work than the American military than the French military (so there goes half of your "European Army" right off the rip), they have been struggling to meet recruitment for their militaries, and on and on. I saw one dumb motherfucker try to say that they should just kick the US out of AUKUS and get British made submarines instead of American ones because "Trump said we are bad allies, so lets show him what a real bad ally looks like."
Luckily it is mostly just Reddit being Reddit, but I do get very annoyed when the NAFO type Euro-Elitism gets into my subreddit I go to for military memes and waifu bait. It was funny a few days ago to watch them all going nuts over an artist that did some good S. Vietnamese waifu art, only to then turn on said artist because they had a lot of "Vietnamese-Americans for Trump" stuff on their Twitter.