Most of these people who think we'd win a war would be shot by the protagonist of Fallout 4.
Our armed forces are no match for the sheer number or technological advancements that the US has on us.
I mean, a running joke with a canadian comedian for awhile is that Canada has no scary acronym weapon, like other countries such as USA do. Like ICBM. So we would have to buy four hundred thousand B double As because no one would know what it meant. And then not tell a single soul it meant Bow And Arrow.
Most of these people who think we'd win a war would be shot by the protagonist of Fallout 4.
Our armed forces are no match for the sheer number or technological advancements that the US has on us.
I mean, a running joke with a canadian comedian for awhile is that Canada has no scary acronym weapon, like other countries such as USA do. Like ICBM. So we would have to buy four hundred thousand B double As because no one would know what it meant. And then not tell a single soul it meant Bow And Arrow.