When he announced his running prior to 2016, I thought it was a joke.
The apprentice guy? I was born in 92 and really just hardly aware of him except for the apprentice, of which I only watched a few of the celebrity apprentice episodes because it had celebrities on that I liked such as Gilbert Gottfried and Penn Jillette.
So I didn't really care for Trump for two reasons.
I associated him with reality TV and I did and still do despise reality TV. I saw it and still see it as one of those things that decayed the American culture.
When he was the subject of a comedy central roast around the time he announced he was running, he didn't seem like he could take a joke.
I've since seen that Trump's not the type of guy who does big hearty showy laughs. If he's amused by something he'll just sort of smile. But at the time, I didn't think he had a sense of humor about himself, and I've always been someone who's wary of people who can't take jokes about themselves.
But what changed for me officially was when I saw a video of his, one of his campaign videos addressing the problem of political correctness in the culture and stifling free speech.
That alone was enough to ensure I was behind him 100%. I never saw any other "conservative" politician boldly address this issue or even address it at all really.
Mostly it was just us on the internet fighting the culture war who bothered to address and fight political correctness. Where was John McCain's take down of PC culture? Where was Mitt Romney's takedown of PC culture? But here, the guy who I thought was just doing this for attention as a reality TV guy, is the only one to flat-out say, political correctness is a problem and needs to be addressed.
So that video made me a Trump supporter. Then seeing how the mainstream media treated the man made me see things even clearer.
i'll like him when he cuts funding to these bot posts too, lmao.
i fear for any real people in this comment section who have been fooled by zion don.
That meme would be plausible if Donald Trump hasn't been clear about oppossing DEI and political correcntess and the demonization of Christians since 2016.
And if the establishment didn't try to oppose him every step of the way including trying to kill him which they almost accomplished.
Do you really think Kamala Harris would have rolled back a single DEI thing?
Her parties attempt to reach white men was that "white dudes for Kamala" campaign and it was the faggiest thing ever made.
Why do you treat Israel different than Taiwan? I assume you think it's a good idea to have it set up where Taiwan and other smaller asian countries don't get dominated by China.
Well Israel is one small little country surrounded by violent, barbaric jihadists who have made it their eternal mission statement to destroy them at all costs.
Yes Trump supports Israel, as do I as a Christian. I doubly support Israel because of the prophecy that shows that Israel will repent and be restored and the gentiles are not to be conceited, because we've been grafted in to the olive branch, but they, the original olive branch, will be restored at the end.
That's why I doubly support them, but I support them anyways for the same reason I support Taiwan. Very evil countries have made their intent clear. In Taiwan's case, China, in Israel's case, all of the middle east.
various saints on the jews
martin luther on the jews
direct martin luther excerpt
places where the Bible explains jews wanted to, and did kill Christ
larger image explaining how Jesus was not "a jew", among other things that are more speculative
i can also point you to a few talmudic passages where the jews explain their satanic rituals, concepts, and other rules. you can find them by googling, first result on sefaria:
indirect killing is OK: Sanhedrin 77b
the one who has active homosexual intercourse with a boy under 9 years is "not liable": Sanhedrin 54b
giving a child to satanic priests or burning him is OK, as long as it's not both at the same time: Sanhedrin 64a
cursing your parents is OK, even using God's name: Sanhedrin 66a (also, hermaphrodites can curse them too!)
black magic incantations are OK: Sanhedrin 101a
"High Priests" can still marry women who had "atypical penetration" including with animals: Yevamot 59b
it's OK to hire prostitutes as long as there is some time between payment and intercourse: Avodah Zarah 62b
you can break promises if you say "any vow that i take in the future is void" before: Nedarim 23a
group murder is OK because it's unclear who actually did the killing: Sanhedrin 78a
you can see demons by doing black magic: Berakhot 6a
if you are a Christian you are one that is heading for the wide gate.
You're saying I'm heading for hell because I support Jews, yet my basis is rooted in scripture.
Yours is rooted in the words of man including saying Jesus was not Jewish.
And yes the Jews killed Jesus. This as well as whatever Jews believe today is completely separate to the church and believers support of Israel and Jews.
That support is rooted in prophecy. We know they're not saved, we know they're not righteous.
In fact, when the Bible speaks about at the end times, Israel being vindicated by all the nations surrounding them getting trampled by Jesus on the great day of the Lord, the Lord explicitly says, it's not for their sake, but for God's sake that He's vindicating them. In other words, to prove God's faithfulness and fulfillment to covenants in spite of people's lack of righteousness.
Romans 9 and Revelation show us God's sovereign choice with Israel. All the anti-Christ's armies will be gathered against Israel at the end times...why do you think sharing the anti-Christ's attitude on wanting Israel destroyed is not a dangerous attitude for a Christian to have?
Romans 9 is the biggest refutation to the current attitude against Israel and Jews that the world is increasingly having.
Let me ask you this. No other group of people loses their land, and gets dispersed for nearly 2000 years and yet stays a people, and gets part of their land back and still plays a huge role in the future with prophecy. Do you really think that's a coincidence?
You notice how no other ancient people exist anymore when their nation went away. There's no more spartans, no more babylonians, no more romans, no more assyrians, and yet Jews lose their land around 70 AD and remained a people until the 1940s where they get their nation back, the very nation that is the central place in the prophecy of Revelation, Daniel, etc. That just doesn't happen unless it's by God's providence.
Case in point. The Chinese in Malaysia have a very strong Chinese identity because the Malaysian muslims ostrosized them but the malaysian muslims in Malaysia never tried to genocide them.
The Chinese in Indonesia are more assimulated because the muslim Indonesians there tried to genocide the Chinese
The Chinese in Thailand are more assimulated because they didnt get ostrosized at all and pagans can more easily assimulate with pagans.
The reason why jews lasted so long is because Christians ostrosized them without genociding them. which made them more strongly huddle together without disappearing.
In China they were less ostrosized and it was easier for jews to assimulate with pagans than it was for them to assimulate with Christians hence why the Keifang jews in China almost disappeared after a few hundred years before the jews from Europe contacted them and tried to revive them.
it wasn't because of "God's divine intervention"