It took me all of 3 minutes to establish that this is not a USAID grant form (as should be blindingly obvious), but a '990 Form' filled by organizations that are exempt from income tax. Shockingly, "Expenses" isn't what the organization is receiving from USAID. Also a clue was that the "PRIMARY EXEMPT PURPOSE" at the top. Also a clue is that USADI spending $600 million out of its $40 billion on one organization, a university in a developed country, doesn't pass the smell test.
Also, the top part said RETURN OF ORGANIZATION EXEMPT FROM INCOME TAX. Of course, it was cropped out by someone who knew full well what this is, but who was trying to deceive you - not that this takes much effort.
Presumably the subject at hand is not the entire form, but line 8 which is revenue from grants and contribution at $581M for 2022, which is also shown on the site you linked. If you have a more detailed breakdown of where this money comes from I'd like to see it. A university receiving 0.1% of GDP in individual donations seems like a lot, but I don't really have a frame of reference.
It took me all of 3 minutes to establish that this is not a USAID grant form (as should be blindingly obvious), but a '990 Form' filled by organizations that are exempt from income tax. Shockingly, "Expenses" isn't what the organization is receiving from USAID. Also a clue was that the "PRIMARY EXEMPT PURPOSE" at the top. Also a clue is that USADI spending $600 million out of its $40 billion on one organization, a university in a developed country, doesn't pass the smell test.
Also, the top part said RETURN OF ORGANIZATION EXEMPT FROM INCOME TAX. Of course, it was cropped out by someone who knew full well what this is, but who was trying to deceive you - not that this takes much effort.
Here it is from:
Anyone who believed obvious nonsense from "theaustrianpainter" has no business calling other people NPCs.
Presumably the subject at hand is not the entire form, but line 8 which is revenue from grants and contribution at $581M for 2022, which is also shown on the site you linked. If you have a more detailed breakdown of where this money comes from I'd like to see it. A university receiving 0.1% of GDP in individual donations seems like a lot, but I don't really have a frame of reference.
Antonio talks a lot of shit, but he is right, there is no indication that funding came from USAID.
My gut feeling is that OFC it did, but I haven't been able to find any reliable source claiming that that is the case.