Stumbled across this article from August 22nd of last year. It's a tranny eagerly promoting the possibility of a gay romance in KCD2.
Hasn't Warhorse delivered everything this tranny asked for?
Vavra decided to have his cake and eat it, too. That's it. That's the whole story. He's an opportunist and a liar. And half the anti-woke crowd are so desperate for relevance that they're willing to circle the wagons for a traitor who sold out to the woke mob for a few extra shekels.
Edit to add: consider the timeline. This tranny journo was playing a preview build of the game almost six months ago. If the gay romance had been explicit, don't you think he would have been singing its praises?
Vavra deliberately withheld the gay romance from the players because he knew it was a betrayal. He fully intended to blindside us. When it was leaked, he played stupid while his sycophants came to his defense.
Then IGN gives it a 9/10 and releases a "how to be gay" guide five minutes after their review goes up? Obviously some games media were in on the deception.
I'd say it's largely irrelevant. Does it ultimately change how we should approach this issue? Not really. The best thing to do is to be firm and explain that just because something else is worse doesn't make this not bad either, that lesser/middling/greater evil is all still evil.
And we're not going to really bother tackling people who are actively pushing the shift since at the end of the day they're not going to change their opinion on this and the only way is to simply stop them in the first place.
And I have to disagree on this point because it goes back to an earlier bit you said: "the media is reshaping the acceptable landscape of debate". Even though it's a flop, it still reshapes at a form of comparison. It becomes the new perimeter of the landscape of debate, and that's incredibly important because the edges define what is and isn't acceptable. THAT is the issue. These flops don't result in their ideas being acceptable, it results in everything leading up to them being acceptable. And THAT is the threat. We can mock the idea of 'pulling a barve' or some polyamorous bullshit, but everything leading up to that? Sodomy in a Christian game within a world that explicitly outlaws it is now acceptable and fine.
The issue isn't that these games/pieces of media help push the agenda, it's that they provide the idea of "this is too far", where everything before that point being considered to be not too far.
And yes, it works in tandem. I agree that this wouldn't be as big an issue without the subversive series that turn against their original audiences. But it's still an issue. It could even be argued to be a chicken and egg situation. It's because you have both that this is a cycle that works off each other so well.