That much was guaranteed when Trudeau, king of virtue signalling, knew he had to come to the podium and beg the US to remember the good times while posturing about orange juice and alcohol as their big ticket products.
If that was the best he could manage, he had nothing to negotiate with and was already kneeling while putting on something resembling a front to not look like a complete bitch.
I don't think that it's possible for Trudeau to not look like a bitch.
I will never forget how he cowardly abandoned the capital to hide in his mansion for over two weeks the moment peaceful protestors rolled in trucks in Ottawa. He never even found the courage to directly speak with any of them, before he illegally invoked martial law. He will never not be a bitch.
True, he will always be a bitch. But there are multiple options in being a bitch he could have taken. Multiple of which would drag Canada down with him as he pathetically bloviates, though most of them seem like they'd prefer that.
This option was the closest he could manage to complete present his ass for Trump while still faking like it was a negotiation.
That much was guaranteed when Trudeau, king of virtue signalling, knew he had to come to the podium and beg the US to remember the good times while posturing about orange juice and alcohol as their big ticket products.
If that was the best he could manage, he had nothing to negotiate with and was already kneeling while putting on something resembling a front to not look like a complete bitch.
I don't think that it's possible for Trudeau to not look like a bitch.
I will never forget how he cowardly abandoned the capital to hide in his mansion for over two weeks the moment peaceful protestors rolled in trucks in Ottawa. He never even found the courage to directly speak with any of them, before he illegally invoked martial law. He will never not be a bitch.
True, he will always be a bitch. But there are multiple options in being a bitch he could have taken. Multiple of which would drag Canada down with him as he pathetically bloviates, though most of them seem like they'd prefer that.
This option was the closest he could manage to complete present his ass for Trump while still faking like it was a negotiation.