Charlotte winning the women’s rumble didn’t surprise me but Jey Uso certainly did. I assumed it would be either Cena or Punk. After the rumble I rewatched the 90 Royal Rumble to satisfy my inner hulkamaniac.
80s through ruthless aggression will always be my favorite time as a fan but I still watch while understanding I’m no longer the target audience. Especially since I have no clue who the celebrities/musical guests are
I did and I loved it. I've already been talking to people predicting the WM card since this, but I do love that they actually made Jey the main event
What's the predictions? I kept hearing Punk/Rollins but after the Rumble it looks like Reigns/Rollins. We could get Rhodes/Reigns 3. I'm assuming Gunther/Jey, and Jey going over. I personally wouldn't like that because I feel Gunther has been under utilized
Yea, that was a pleasant surprise. I assume Rock vs Reigns is happening and that Punk will win Elimination Chamber. I think Cena will feud with someone else