At the moment and at the moment's laws at least, they're obligated to try. Which honestly is probably for the best; it doesn't matter why they're imprisoned, their prison term should be in their home country. The burden and load on society should be on the society that spawned them.
Most of the USA's migration problems would disappear if central and south American countries properly did the same thing, and took back in for full prison terms all their citizens that wound up getting arrested in the USA.
Will the American embassy still come to his rescue?
At the moment and at the moment's laws at least, they're obligated to try. Which honestly is probably for the best; it doesn't matter why they're imprisoned, their prison term should be in their home country. The burden and load on society should be on the society that spawned them.
Most of the USA's migration problems would disappear if central and south American countries properly did the same thing, and took back in for full prison terms all their citizens that wound up getting arrested in the USA.
Goes to show that American passports shouldn't be handed out like confetti.