Might still be my 2016 era cringe cuckservative phase talking (almost certainly is) but are the Zionists less bad than the globalists? At least by any measurable margin? Sure, the 1950s were zogged af but at least they were comfy. High trust, low crime, entertainment was still wholesome White families with proper Western values on TV. Seems nicer to me than "Free Palestine, river to sea" while living in Brazil.
Of course that might just be rose colored glasses. I'm sure I'll have a different opinion when war with Iran kicks off.
Stop noticing goy.
We're gonna deport the students for supporting terrorist groups goy! Don't notice that Trump supporters are also terrorists goy!
Always gotta make sure your hostage sticks to the script.
That man has a very particular set of skills. He handles the important things.
Squints eyes - that's just a very interesting haircut!
Might still be my 2016 era cringe cuckservative phase talking (almost certainly is) but are the Zionists less bad than the globalists? At least by any measurable margin? Sure, the 1950s were zogged af but at least they were comfy. High trust, low crime, entertainment was still wholesome White families with proper Western values on TV. Seems nicer to me than "Free Palestine, river to sea" while living in Brazil.
Of course that might just be rose colored glasses. I'm sure I'll have a different opinion when war with Iran kicks off.
A viable strategy, surrounding yourself with a variety of "hated" types of people that could be targeted first.