Wednesday Emergency Broadcast: LA Emergency Managers Ordered A Partial Stand Down The Day The Fires Erupted! Plus, James O’Keefe...
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Haven't watched the video yet, but if those wildfires were an attempt to hurt Trump, then it completely backfired and they're retarded. The only thing they did was to greatly highlight the utter incompetence of the democrats who have been ruling over California for the past 4 decades.
Let's dispel this notion, this fiction, that the Democrats are incompetent and don't know what they are doing.
They know exactly what they are doing.
I'm not ready to admit that all the literal niggers they set up to run these things are not only competent, but calculating and capable of planning.
Maybe someone high up the chain is, but the Dems Puppetmasters aren't in every level of every operation and a lot of the failures here are clearly pure nigger-bred plans and their consequences.