Gold isn't an investment; it's a hedge. You keep gold and silver on the off-chance that your fiat currency of choice becomes devalued into worthlessness and you need something to make purchases with other than wheelbarrows of paper.
I think I understand. I'm skeptical of the idea that people would barter with gold at the local level, more likely it would be with food, water, and fuel. that said, I can see the argument of using gold to buy into whatever new currency pops up, or any existing currency that is being accepted.
Gold isn't an investment; it's a hedge. You keep gold and silver on the off-chance that your fiat currency of choice becomes devalued into worthlessness and you need something to make purchases with other than wheelbarrows of paper.
Gold is money. Everything else is credit.
I think I understand. I'm skeptical of the idea that people would barter with gold at the local level, more likely it would be with food, water, and fuel. that said, I can see the argument of using gold to buy into whatever new currency pops up, or any existing currency that is being accepted.