Isn't working in prison optional unless you have hard labor on your sentence (do they even do that anymore?). Prisoners choose to do it for credit towards early release and it looks good to parole boards. My state also has prisoners work wildfires, and they're all ones that are near the end of their sentences doing it as volunteers.
It would be counterproductive to force prisoners to work anyway because they would just commit sabotage.
Seems crazy to me they would do it without any kinda of training. Maybe they get a 4 hour crash course or something at the start haha. But yea what your saying makes sense.
Isn't working in prison optional unless you have hard labor on your sentence (do they even do that anymore?). Prisoners choose to do it for credit towards early release and it looks good to parole boards. My state also has prisoners work wildfires, and they're all ones that are near the end of their sentences doing it as volunteers.
It would be counterproductive to force prisoners to work anyway because they would just commit sabotage.
Seems crazy to me they would do it without any kinda of training. Maybe they get a 4 hour crash course or something at the start haha. But yea what your saying makes sense.