The unlimited H1B argument didn't surprise me in the slightest, and I'm genuinely shocked at how surprised everyone else was by it, both here and elsewhere. Let me explain:
Silicon Valley is a viper's next of soft power, governing everything from your Internet search results to what candidates can advertise, and has been, almost since its inception, dominated by the Left. They flexed that power politically in 2016 and 2020 and we all saw the result. Whether you think its fair or not, they're a massive powerbase with a lot of say in who gets elected to what in this country.
But there are two factions there. You have the "Squirrel-kin Googler Creatives" on the bottom and you have the powerful money-men at the top, and its that second one who really decide the direction that SV blows politically. The other are, as many found out when Elon took over Twitter, wholly expendable. The Democrats and woke Left pushed SV so hard that even the money-men are feeling the negative effects, and for the first time in probably 50 years their minds have been forced open by economic reality. They're still a bunch of faggots, but the economic gun to their heads has finally, finally made them be willing to listen to the other side, as embodied in Elon and Trump.
So what did those two madmen do? They cast the Devil's Bargain spell. Offering unlimited H1B access is a bridge that even the Dems were never willing to cross before, so what they've done is pull a Civil Rights Act level coup on the Left. (For those who don't know, the CRA was originally proposed and backed by Republicans, but the Dems blocked the bill from passing, only to turn around and pass it themselves with a lot of PR campaigning so as to take credit for the idea, scooping the Republicans and condemning them to the "ebil racist" label forever.) Well now Trump and Elon are offering Silicon Valley and tech a similar world-changing benefit, scooping the Democrats. The Dems will want to oppose the measure purely on the basis of Orange Man Bad which will drive a wedge between them and Silicon Valley and all its money and power, but if they don't then they're siding with Orange Man and Muskrat which will send their base into a frothing Hell-rage.
The H1B thing accomplishes two things: First it pins the Dems and the Left into a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation that fucks up their guaranteed backing from the tech industry that rules the world. And secondly its a bribe offered to Silicon Valley industrialists in the vein of "have those niggers voting Republican for the next 200 years", to paraphrase Johnson and the stolen Civil Rights Act. Its an absolutely brilliant political maneuver. People are mad at the surface level "importing pajeets" that is a necessary component of it, but if the Dems retain a solid powerbase in SV those same Pajeets (and everyone else in every third world shithole) ARE STILL COMING. This is decision made entirely around establishing an alliance with SV power to keep the Dems from pulling another Biden on us in the future. Its a limited hangout that will end up saving us a massive amount of damage in the long run, and its well worth the political flack they're taking over it.
Give me a link to where he said that.
Oh fuck off.
Yes, we demand evidence. Not your mind reading. Fuck off.
“Elon Musk isn’t retarded enough to openly advocate for replacement immigration, and I can’t deduct his functional position even though it follows necessarily from his own stated principles. Therefore, you are a conspiracy theorist.”
I explained very clearly how Elon Musk’s stated beliefs directly lead to support for replacement level immigration. Your inability to grasp such a simple chain of logic is pathetic. You are a gullible credulous moron who has adopted a standard of evidence so absurdly retarded that you are destined to be forever confused by the world. You take pride in your complete vulnerability to simple dishonesty, a strategy employed by school children. You should be embarrassed.
We've literally had decades of seeing the slippery slope in action with the LGTV movement, but it doesn't apply this time because... reasons?