Trump posts video blaming Netanyahu for "endless wars"
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You can only negotiate with someone who isn't trying to destroy you. Negotiation necessarily requires that it be in good faith. Our enemies are actively killing us, are subversive liars, and don't negotiate in good faith. They can't be negotiated with.
Further, when your position is good and true, you never, ever capitulate or compromise with falsehoods and lies. To do so only erodes your position and lets your enemies pull you down to hell, one inch at a time, with one compromise at a time.
Which is why I've been saying that we can't fix our problems through our own political systems any more. Voting, judicial systems, law enforcement, none of it works in our interests any more. They're all actively working against us, and for our enemies.
However, this doesn't mean we're out of options. It just means we have only one option left.
Why do you think so many people have woken up the last several years? Open communication of the problems and perpetrators is one cause. But, the main cause is widespread misery of the people. The weight of all the lies is resulting in our civilization accelerating toward collapse. Our comforts, systems, traditions, bulwarks, and protections are being taken away. People are being made miserable due to the lies. Thus, people are realizing something is wrong, realizing the lies they've been told no longer make sense, they're looking around for answers, self reflecting, and changing according to the new information they find. Information exchange is a downstream role in the awakening of the people. The root cause is loss of comforts.
The only things that can and should be saved are people. We can rebuild things that are destroyed. However, I highly doubt absolutely everything would be destroyed in the coming collapse and war. A collapse will rob our enemies of all their power structures, which they are using against us. For an example, it's not necessarily a "collapse", but the American Revolution is what I'm alluding to, but that will pail in comparison. Electricity will go down, fuel shipments will stop, law enforcement will be woefully undermanned (and trapped mostly in the cities), all manner of crime will become rampant, many people will starve and die to violence. This will mostly happen in the first few months of the collapse, though. People will naturally collectivize to protect themselves. It will be in small enclaves first, mostly around farmers (people that have food and can grow more of it), and it will spread outward from there. Militias will also form, small at first, but grow bigger over time, with home bases centered around farmland. Throughout history, civilizational collapses are common, and happen to everyone. The collapses are worse with highly advanced and successful civilizations. However, even through these collapses, the people remain. They simply reform governments and redraw borders after the collapse. That is what's going to happen in the West, regardless of what we want, or how we plan it.
I'm not saying I want all of this to happen, either. I would love to be able to solve our problems peaceful. But, I'm saying the collapse and mass violence are necessary, and our only path to solving our problems. You've already actively admitted that everyone in Western politics doesn't pass one of the crucial tests to determine friend from foe.
That's simply not true. Negotiation is a huge part of war. You're confusing it with the spirit of reconciliation, which you would be correct is impossible with someone trying to destroy you.
Well keep your powder dry I guess. If that's the case then none of this is meaningful to you.
Yes, you need both to some degree. People aren't motivated to seek truth unless they are moved by an impetus.
Credit to you for out of the box thinking, but although scarcity is a common denominator in both wartime and civilizational collapse, you admit the Revolution was not a collapse and we both know why.
What you have outlined is a recipe for warlords and bandits where there are no noble ideas and causes, only survival. We know what people trained on survival look like. They're not the nation building type. Most likely another power would land a beachhead and push inland.
Best case for a doomsday scenario imo is that America becomes balkanized enough for a constitutional, ethnonationalist contingent to secede. A secession would preserve enough integrity of organization and continuity of government for a successful nation. This would be most akin to the American Revolution since the colonies were practically self-governing entities when they rebelled.
If you're at war with someone who is intent upon the complete annihilation of you and your people, who will accept nothing less than those terms, you don't negotiate with them. That's who is in charge of politics.
Similarly, if someone breaks into your home, you don't negotiate with them. You kill them. If someone tries to rob you, you don't negotiate with them to only take half of your stuff, you stop them. If someone is trying to rape your wife, sister, mother, or daughter, you don't negotiate with them so they can only molest them a little bit, you completely stop them.
Communication is always meaningful for good people. The violence hasn't started yet.
The point stands that there are times for good people to say "enough", and to kill the people hurting them. Not "vote harder [current year]", not negotiate, not compromise, not laying down and accepting it, but focused violence on the perpetrators.
Only initially. It takes time for people to regroup, decompress from the propaganda, to recollectivize, and push outward. Also, White people have often been left in vast wildernesses with no government oversite or protections, with numerous dangers and death, and most of never resort to becoming bandits or warlords.
If that's the case, then the U.S. shouldn't exist, because those are precisely the people that founded our nation. Nations, by necessity, are founded and maintained by violence. Men, by our natures, must be capable of violence to fulfill our roles as protectors and providers. Violence is not antithetical to wisdom or proper governance. You might be thinking of the zogbot special forces people who have been trained by our own corrupt government, and fought globalist wars on behalf of the corrupt forces. Yes, many of those people are damaged.
I don't think you comprehend the collapse that's coming. The people in power have been interconnecting the entire world (i.e. globalism), in order to profit off of it, so they can implement their plans more easily, and so they can lord over the world from their seats in the newly centralized structures. The collapse is going to affect everyone. All modernized nations will fall.
The only conceivable nation that would be able to invade the U.S., China, is woefully undermanned to be able to do so, and their entire economy is reliant on exports, much of which to the West, and via manipulation of currencies and economics, which will all fail in the collapse. Still, though, China isn't self reliant, and has large sections of its economy reliant on imports, which will shut down in the collapse. The very nature of globalism means nations are no longer self sufficient, at least to maintain the current paradigm.
I largely agree. There are several ways it can play out. The details may change, but the general trends will always remain true. The coming collapse will necessarily result in balkanization and ethnonationalism. That's how nations form in the first place. Nations are built on homogeneity, of race, religion, culture, language, beliefs, traditions, etc. Mass misery and violence will force people to collectivize, by necessity, and that collectivization will be among homogeneous lines. The deluge of anti-White propaganda that's been put out for decades will mean that White people will only be able to collectivize with other Whites in order to survive. All other peoples are already collectivized with their own kind, and will keep to that after the collapse. However, all the non-whites living in Western nations only came here to leech off of us, to enjoy the fruits of highly successful civilization, even though they actively destroy it simply by being here. They're opportunistic parasites by their nature, and when all the comforts, welfare, and security goes away in the collapse, most will flee back to their countries of origin. When the people they're leeching off of refuse to be their personal blood bank, they will flee. They take advantage of our altruism, altruism which will disappear when the SHTF. That good nature of White people will become actively hostile to foreigners once the propaganda is shut off (it will when the electricity goes down), we collectivize, and most of us (even the normies) fully realize how thoroughly we've been getting screwed over.
It's difficult to predict how the balkanization will occur and how it will ultimately end up, but I figure it will be largely geographic. Looking purely at the U.S., the southern states will probably collectivize, the West coast states will group up, the central states will group up, or join neighboring collectives, the mid Western states will follow a similar route, and the eastern states will group up.
However, keep in mind that this balkanization won't be left vs right. They will all be White ethnostates separated by geography. The left will not have any strongholds after the collapse. The left is entirely centered in cities and dense suburbs. The left/globalists vs right/White will be city vs rural. The left, in their cities and dense suburbs, can't grow their own food. Most of them will starve to death in less than a month, since cities are easily cut off, electricity failure will also cause all petrochemical shipments to stop, and most truckers are right wing, so they wouldn't ship to cities. There will be mass riots and starvation in every single city, the likes of which we've never seen. This is where you'll see warlords and bandits, because they're starving and desperate, and have no moral compucture about hurting others. This will force the globalist/government to try to quell their own supporters in the cities, attempting to use their police and military forces (the ones still left after mass desertions) to feed and police the cities. The police and military, even in their current numbers, don't have near enough people to do this in every major city. Since the shit will be hitting the fan globally, no country will be in a position to offer outside help. As we've seen with all manner of natural disasters which've hit the U.S., no one even wants to help us, or will.
Some non-whites will probably attempt to stay in the West, hoping that their small ethnic enclaves will be enough to stave off the starvation and violence, but they'll be wrong. There may be some race blind White people who will attempt to try to create a collective with the non-whites in their area, but they'll be increasingly pushed out (both the race blind Whites and the non-whites) over time, and with the escalation of violence.
"War is the continuation of politics through other means." -- Von Clausewitz
I read through your post and I think you misunderstand my position as pacificism, while I am simply stating that political movement in peacetime is also necessary. Violence is necessary when appropriate. At the same time, every single war, even existential wars, involves negotiation between the belligerents at various points. (unless you're Haitians that just kill and eat every white person on the island)
After digesting your scenario it seems that the collapse you refer to is the sudden inability of the government to facilitate delivery of food, electricity, and gas, which then results in mass starvation of half or more of the United States as farms refuse to help the cities. Basically a zombie apocalypse level of destruction. Interestingly enough this is not a rebellion where people will forcibly overthrow a tyrannical government, as the govt will essentially fall down anyway.
The more likely scenario in my mind is that some kind of right wing faction in the US aligns themselves for secession in a similar way to the buildup to the Civil War. If the US will degrade to the point of nonfunction, that should be obvious long before it actually happens.
OR the populist right wing faction becomes so politically powerful that the feds attempt to hold onto power by fiat eg martial law and mass policing, which would prompt a countrywide conflict.
Well, that's good to hear. Too many people I see advocate for non-stop "voting harder", and think if you advocate for anything more extreme, you're a "fed" or "glowie". It's incredibly aggravating. But, yes, I also advocate for political activism, in state and local politics which aren't completely taken over.
Well, the big SHTF scenario I painted will only happen in the middle of it. The U.S. military (i.e. government) has been war gaming civil war 2.0 scenarios for a long time, and they always result in the same thing. They lose. The main cause is that once the violence starts, it slippery slopes downward to where more and more people abandon the system, reject the government's use of violence against the people, the people (almost exclusively White people in this scenario) increasingly band together, collectivize, balkanize, form militias, and fight against the government. The big rural vs city scenario I painted happens after a while (the time frame can vary wildly) of this escalation.
The big unknown is what the government plans on doing. Everything I've seen shows that they'll desperately try to slow boil it for as long as possible, in the hopes that they can stamp out any of the beginning stages of resistance, secession, balkanization, militia forming, collectivization of Whites, and violence. They know that when the violence starts, they inevitably lose, because it always results in their systems failing, systems which they use to weaken and control people. Once their control mechanisms fail, the people fully awaken and fight back en masse.
I should also add that a revolt against the government, an overthrow of the government, and a collapse are not necessarily separate things in this scenario. A collapse is inevitable at this point. Every metric points downward, and the collapse is accelerating. It's one of the reasons why so many uber rich people are building bunkers, in a vain attempt to survive what they all know is coming. It's also why they're offering us false saviors to the dissident right, in a vain attempt to placate us and try to bring us back into the fold. It's why tech CEOs are disingenuously "moving right", in a vain attempt to convince us that we're "winning", in the hopes that we don't keep escalating our rhetoric and plans.
If you look at what's happened to previous civilizations, especially the big and successful ones, we're following exactly in their footsteps. The collapse can happen several different ways. It might happen as you suggest, where a right wing faction seceeds, which will ultimately result in the government violently trying to stop them, which will escalate the violence. It might start as several states defying globohomo authoritarian demands, which will result in the feds trying to violently stop them, which will escalate the situation. It might start as another Ruby Ridge or Waco 2.0, which will piss off the people enough to fight back, which will escalate things. It might be that the feds try to get us involved in another war, and too many people refuse to fight for it, knowing it's fake, which will escalate things. It might be because the inflation rates get so bad that people can no longer afford to eat, they start stealing en masse, which causes government crack down, which will escalate things. It might be another stolen election.
There are a ton of scenarios that will all inevitably lead to the same thing. Once the violence starts, it will inevitably result in a collapse and the fall of the federal government and globalist systems. If the collapse hits first, it will inevitably result in violence, and the fall of the federal government and globalist systems. Who knows what will start it, but it will all result in the same things. It might start slow, or it might escalate quite rapidly, given how much people are being screwed over and currently putting up with.