A couple of points to consider for those thinking about Canada.
Canada is controlled by globalists. They own all the mainstream party's.
The CPC, are supposed to be conservative. They aren't.
The leader of the CPC has promised more immigration, direct flights from India, and fought against deportations. He now says, all those things weren't real. He's lying.
Most Canadian conservatives, think the CPC are conservative and will vote for him to get the liberals out and their disastorous policies, never realizing those policies are mandated by UN agreements that the CPC signed us up for, and they have refused to leave.
If Canada is to have a chance, it is likely the PPC... but since most Canadians refuse to do any homework, they don't stand a chance, and so neither does Canada..
Maxime Bernier's People's Party of Canada (the most right-leaning/libertarian option out there) has also really been dropping the ball lately.
He failed to capitalize on the vacuum created by all the other globohomo parties going full 1984 with COVID policy.
His party has actually performed WORSE in byelections over the last 3 years, even when he ran personally in a Mennonite, right-leaning riding.
He has also failed to attract any bench strength in picking up any other dissident politicians to join his ranks as many have been cast out of traditional systems at all levels since 2020 for not bending the knee.
The only name he temporarily had join the party was Viva Frei who ran in his Montreal riding against former astronaut Marc Garneau. Freiheit got absolutely merc'ed despite his large YT channel, garnering something like 4% of the vote, less than the PPC's national average in 2021. Freiheit then flew the coop to the Rumble studios of Florida with the Dave Rubin types to do safe, clean boomer con analysis far away from the oppression of Trudeau's French Canada.
Maxime has failed to have any potential allies join him like Roman Baber, Belinda Karahalios, Derek Sloan, Arthur Pavlowski, Tamara Lich, Randy Hillier, Jeremy Mackenzie, Tom Marazzo etc.
Maxime has also had some bad press last year from the dissident right, with it being leaked that he bought a hurricane-damaged getaway home in Florida. Also, his 2025 slate of PPC candidates contains tons of POCs. He also has been courting the Indian vote himself in photo-ops.
The Diagolon movement, who would in theory be allies, have been mocking Bernier mercilessly over rubbing elbows with POCs and not being white nationalist enough. Jeremy Mackenzie and Ferryman's Toll are constantly razzing Bernier and his supporters on Twitter.
It's been disappointing to see the PPC actually losing ground since 2021 and COVID with WEF-globalist-Zionist-shill Pierre "Trudeau with a blue tie" Poilievre swallowing up tens of percentage points in support. And basically waiting for his own coronation in October-if-not-sooner to also continue to welcome infinity jeets.
While you're not wrong, you can't capitalize when the media won't show you. The party has had a lot of disappointing election results, but lets face it, the election integrity is sus as fuck..
The house, AFAIK, was bought by his wife via an inheritance. Is this not true?
The media is never going to be favourable to the PPC.
But whatever alternative strategies he's using for outreach aren't working in a time when even normies are sick of infinity pajeets.
The PPC should naturally be growing in support now that mass immigration and nationalism is hitting the mainstream. And yet, they have somehow lost ground since 2021 in establishment polls and by-election turnout.
It fits the narrative from his dissident right critics that the PPC is really only a vanity project for Bernier for him to draw a salary.
It's pretty hard to blame election integrity for the reason that the PPC picked up only 1% of the votes in the latest BC by-election won by the Conservatives.
It's a factor that they aren't even included in mainstream polling. But I very much doubt that their few hundred votes are being tampered with.
I can't remember the details re: his Florida property.
But it's a bad PR look for a nationalist "far" right leader to be planning his own exit from the country while campaigning on Canadian values and constantly complaining that everything's going to hell.
A couple of points to consider for those thinking about Canada.
Canada is controlled by globalists. They own all the mainstream party's.
The CPC, are supposed to be conservative. They aren't.
The leader of the CPC has promised more immigration, direct flights from India, and fought against deportations. He now says, all those things weren't real. He's lying.
Most Canadian conservatives, think the CPC are conservative and will vote for him to get the liberals out and their disastorous policies, never realizing those policies are mandated by UN agreements that the CPC signed us up for, and they have refused to leave.
If Canada is to have a chance, it is likely the PPC... but since most Canadians refuse to do any homework, they don't stand a chance, and so neither does Canada..
Sad, but true.
This is why unfettered democracy is an unfunny joke, and the founding fathers limited who could vote.
Maxime Bernier's People's Party of Canada (the most right-leaning/libertarian option out there) has also really been dropping the ball lately.
He failed to capitalize on the vacuum created by all the other globohomo parties going full 1984 with COVID policy.
His party has actually performed WORSE in byelections over the last 3 years, even when he ran personally in a Mennonite, right-leaning riding.
He has also failed to attract any bench strength in picking up any other dissident politicians to join his ranks as many have been cast out of traditional systems at all levels since 2020 for not bending the knee.
The only name he temporarily had join the party was Viva Frei who ran in his Montreal riding against former astronaut Marc Garneau. Freiheit got absolutely merc'ed despite his large YT channel, garnering something like 4% of the vote, less than the PPC's national average in 2021. Freiheit then flew the coop to the Rumble studios of Florida with the Dave Rubin types to do safe, clean boomer con analysis far away from the oppression of Trudeau's French Canada.
Maxime has failed to have any potential allies join him like Roman Baber, Belinda Karahalios, Derek Sloan, Arthur Pavlowski, Tamara Lich, Randy Hillier, Jeremy Mackenzie, Tom Marazzo etc.
Maxime has also had some bad press last year from the dissident right, with it being leaked that he bought a hurricane-damaged getaway home in Florida. Also, his 2025 slate of PPC candidates contains tons of POCs. He also has been courting the Indian vote himself in photo-ops.
The Diagolon movement, who would in theory be allies, have been mocking Bernier mercilessly over rubbing elbows with POCs and not being white nationalist enough. Jeremy Mackenzie and Ferryman's Toll are constantly razzing Bernier and his supporters on Twitter.
It's been disappointing to see the PPC actually losing ground since 2021 and COVID with WEF-globalist-Zionist-shill Pierre "Trudeau with a blue tie" Poilievre swallowing up tens of percentage points in support. And basically waiting for his own coronation in October-if-not-sooner to also continue to welcome infinity jeets.
While you're not wrong, you can't capitalize when the media won't show you. The party has had a lot of disappointing election results, but lets face it, the election integrity is sus as fuck..
The house, AFAIK, was bought by his wife via an inheritance. Is this not true?
But whatever alternative strategies he's using for outreach aren't working in a time when even normies are sick of infinity pajeets.
The PPC should naturally be growing in support now that mass immigration and nationalism is hitting the mainstream. And yet, they have somehow lost ground since 2021 in establishment polls and by-election turnout.
It fits the narrative from his dissident right critics that the PPC is really only a vanity project for Bernier for him to draw a salary.
It's a factor that they aren't even included in mainstream polling. But I very much doubt that their few hundred votes are being tampered with.
But it's a bad PR look for a nationalist "far" right leader to be planning his own exit from the country while campaigning on Canadian values and constantly complaining that everything's going to hell.