No need for specifics, more of a 30,000ft view sort of brainstorming thing. But it's been very apparent to me for a long time, that as much as the Right postures itself as the anti-feminist side, simping on the right is as out of control as it is on the left. It's basically feminism with a different package. Since 'men' on the Left are effeminate and vulnerable to consensus based emotional appeals, feminism is sold to them as "subjugate your interests to women or you have toxic masculinity". On the right though, with the trad nostalgia and whole rugged sacrificial self-aggrandizing "my hands look like this so hers can look like this" meme attitude, it's packaged as "subjugate your interests to a women or you're not man enough". Then you throw in how many on the right fall over themselves for literally any not-fat woman who opens her mouth to say anything not communist. And then you have the millions of older browbeaten "happy wife, happy life" types who just close their eyes and pretend women being harpies is something to chuckle at while paying her monthly credit card bill.
I see just as much feminism on the right as the left honestly, just from a different angle. For every "men are all rapists and should be jailed for existing" feminist on the left, there's a "no dude, so what if she had a train run on her in college. She's changed, you need to man up and marry her so you can have kids. If she divorces you it's because you didn't sacrifice enough for her. And so what if Anna Paulina Luna was a stripper. She she totally be on the vanguard of promoting conservative values. Look how hot she is" dude on the right.
I know the left is a totally lost cause. Leftism itself is the feminine side of politics. Consensus, harm avoidance, emotional appeals, dodging of accountability, sustaining by taking what others have made, etc. But the right postures itself as the masculine side, so you'd think it would at least be open to being restored to how men really were, and thought of and treated women, back in the days the right has all the nostalgia for. But so far, it seems anything but.
Are there any even theoretical things, movements, appeals, etc that could start shifting men on the right to stop being such simps and doormats for women?
Hate to say it, but things need to get bad enough for that to happen. South Korea has a growing movement of men who refuse to cave in to such things as you're describing, but that was a response to just how bad things have gotten there. We haven't reached that level yet.
There's a lot of history, attitudes and things that have been trained in men for a long time that will take a while to undo.
Plus you're trying to fight against the male libido, which is willing to do almost anything for the promise or even just a whiff of sex. It's basically a biological imperative for man to create offspring.
The plan to stop simping is probably in the same drawer that has the plan that will stop the right from calling anyone organizing right wing groups in meat space feds.
Things are nowhere near bad enough for effective plans to do either thing to appear. Society will have to get a lot worse for either to work. The conditioning is that strong, and will take even stronger conditioning to break it.
I'm sorry. Simps are beyond saving. Any vestiges of humanity within their soul is nothing but a flicker. An ember, waiting to snuff out. There is but one contribution they have left to their fellow man. It's themselves. They serve as a sign post of what is to become. A warning to any man if they let themselves fall too far. Never surrender your self respect. It is not something to be sold to some false savior. There exists no woman on the planet that can make you whole at the cost of your soul. Nobody is coming to save you. If you find yourself sinking in a mire of doldrums, you have to find a way to drag yourself back out.
TL;DR: Simps are T-Virus zombies. You can't unfuck that.
Who the hell is Anna Paulina Luna
Former stripper turned new Republican Representative that still moonlights as an Instagram thot while espousing traditional right leaning values.
...and jewish, according to her.
I think more post of Vtubers should help!
The punishment for vtuber simps is mandatory viewing of... the dreaded male vtuber.
Aren’t they all men and/or gay anyway.