Updates like that should be considered computer hacking a dealt with appropriately. There needs to be an end to fucking with peoples devices with endless updates.
The part that amazes me is how much effort Windows puts into making refusing updates an utter and complete chore.
At one point, you could turn it off via playing with msconfig. Easy. Now you have to go and hunt and peck for various stupid timers that auto-reactivate if you don't get all of them, and I'm sure it's gotten only worse with windows 11.
Just, stop trying to shove your bloated spyware onto my PC. Christ.
I want Microsoft employees flogged in the streets over this shit. It is absolutely criminal what is being done to that company and it is going to have dire consequences for everyone.
Updates like that should be considered computer hacking a dealt with appropriately. There needs to be an end to fucking with peoples devices with endless updates.
The part that amazes me is how much effort Windows puts into making refusing updates an utter and complete chore.
At one point, you could turn it off via playing with msconfig. Easy. Now you have to go and hunt and peck for various stupid timers that auto-reactivate if you don't get all of them, and I'm sure it's gotten only worse with windows 11.
Just, stop trying to shove your bloated spyware onto my PC. Christ.
I want Microsoft employees flogged in the streets over this shit. It is absolutely criminal what is being done to that company and it is going to have dire consequences for everyone.