Looking back there have been plenty of white pills this year. Just to name a few:
- Feminist Frequency is dead.
- Chelsea "Five Guys" Van Valkenburg's harassment hotline grift is a bust.
- Women Who Code shut down.
- Sweet Baby Inc was exposed and dropped a GG sized load of red pills.
- Last but certainly not least, the left's orange nightmare just got reelected after they pulled out all the stops to take him out, including trying to literally murder him.
It's been a good year.
I fully expect all the fed agencies, like the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Federal Reserve, to finally be honest about the economy in order to trigger a recession once the Orange Man gets in office.
After all, the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans.
Absolutely. The "pandemic" was a pretext to sabotaging Trump's economy and keeping everyone home to steal the election. Like I said, that fucker Buffett knows something. I've heard all the major news outlets makes excuses and "explanations" for why he sold all his stocks. They're fucking "news" agencies -- why not ask the damn guy himself? Why do they feel the need to speculate and dismiss the concern? Not that I expect him to confess, but the whole way they've gone about it signals that something is in the works.
they would love to be able to do what they did to truss in the uk
They likely will. The Left isn't very creative, but they are effective. They'll use the same tricks again and again if they work. They don't care if we notice them doing it or call them out on it ... after all, what the fuck is anyone on the Right going to do about it? Riot? Pfft. Cheap beer and free porn have done more to pacify the populations of the world than anything else.