This isn't an offhand comment. This is something only *nix fanboys say. Ever.
It isn't meant to contribute or be a clever quip, it's you being self aggrandizing by making snide remarks about the operating system that outcompeted your preferred platform.
Being something only linux users say and being an offhand comment are not mutually exclusive.
And maybe there's a reason we say things like that. You have to go out of your way to get put linux on a machine, dude. Means you have plenty of time to look at windows before you put what you want on there. Hell, I still have to do help people with windows on their computer all the time. I'm not the one trapped in Plato's Cave by any means.
Besides, based on your logic, are you saying you're a windows fanboy? You seemed to get pretty aggressive when someone dared insult the Holy Code of Gates.
I just find the Linux ideological possession to be utterly insufferable and its proponents are often willfully blind to the shortcomings of their own platform whilst exaggerating the flaws of Microsoft's and refuse to acknowledge its strengths. There's a bitterness that runs through their rhetoric that belies the fact that they're salty more people don't adopt Linux despite the fact that it's utterly unsuited to the vast majority of use cases of personal computer use.
So I guess my hostility towards it could be summed up as hostility towards the denial of reality.
It doesn't help that a fair bit of leftism runs through linux communities and I'm sure we both know what insufferable twats those cultists can be...
For me, it's more about longstanding issues with windows that never seem to be addressed, forced updates, forced upgrades, the fact that every version seems to double in resource usage for the sake of "features" that I'd just assume turn off, a UI that seems to change the location of settings drastically with every major version, and the fact that, unless you go to outstanding lengths to block its bullshit, at this point it's basically worse spyware than the stuff that we used to be warned away from "free" software for fear of it being bundled with the crap...
for what it's worth, though. I'm sorry I set you off. it wasn't my intent. Peace?
why do you think I stuck with windows so long in spite of it's flaws? lol
lol, dude, chill. for me being the blind zealot, you're the one angrily attacking somebody for an offhand comment.
This isn't an offhand comment. This is something only *nix fanboys say. Ever.
It isn't meant to contribute or be a clever quip, it's you being self aggrandizing by making snide remarks about the operating system that outcompeted your preferred platform.
Being something only linux users say and being an offhand comment are not mutually exclusive.
And maybe there's a reason we say things like that. You have to go out of your way to get put linux on a machine, dude. Means you have plenty of time to look at windows before you put what you want on there. Hell, I still have to do help people with windows on their computer all the time. I'm not the one trapped in Plato's Cave by any means.
Besides, based on your logic, are you saying you're a windows fanboy? You seemed to get pretty aggressive when someone dared insult the Holy Code of Gates.
I just find the Linux ideological possession to be utterly insufferable and its proponents are often willfully blind to the shortcomings of their own platform whilst exaggerating the flaws of Microsoft's and refuse to acknowledge its strengths. There's a bitterness that runs through their rhetoric that belies the fact that they're salty more people don't adopt Linux despite the fact that it's utterly unsuited to the vast majority of use cases of personal computer use.
So I guess my hostility towards it could be summed up as hostility towards the denial of reality.
fair enough.
It doesn't help that a fair bit of leftism runs through linux communities and I'm sure we both know what insufferable twats those cultists can be...
For me, it's more about longstanding issues with windows that never seem to be addressed, forced updates, forced upgrades, the fact that every version seems to double in resource usage for the sake of "features" that I'd just assume turn off, a UI that seems to change the location of settings drastically with every major version, and the fact that, unless you go to outstanding lengths to block its bullshit, at this point it's basically worse spyware than the stuff that we used to be warned away from "free" software for fear of it being bundled with the crap...
for what it's worth, though. I'm sorry I set you off. it wasn't my intent. Peace?