I hate all the pajeets in tech but I'm in the minority, most tech workers are leftiest so I doubt this will impact anything in terms of approval ratings.
It does not work like that. Most people want anti-immigration in what they interact with. H-1B impacts mostly tech, this will be major cities like Austin that is already blue. The rest will consider it an acceptable compromise. I expect it will translate in a minor approval drop l but not enough as to have an impact for midterms and in 2 years most will have already forgotten about it.
H1B affects everyone you tiny hat. They have infested my company and we’re just a medium sized mortgage shop. They destroyed my part of town. So tired of you twats who don’t have to live with them telling us how it “works”.
Stick a fork in MAGA. It's done!
I hate all the pajeets in tech but I'm in the minority, most tech workers are leftiest so I doubt this will impact anything in terms of approval ratings.
MAGA was an anti-immigration movement and it failed.
It does not work like that. Most people want anti-immigration in what they interact with. H-1B impacts mostly tech, this will be major cities like Austin that is already blue. The rest will consider it an acceptable compromise. I expect it will translate in a minor approval drop l but not enough as to have an impact for midterms and in 2 years most will have already forgotten about it.
H1B affects everyone you tiny hat. They have infested my company and we’re just a medium sized mortgage shop. They destroyed my part of town. So tired of you twats who don’t have to live with them telling us how it “works”.