I have bad news: Twitter is always a bad way of explaining anything. You actually need conversations with the man in a non-toxic way. This is something that Twitter is incapable of. Especially with Groypers around.
Hell, after watching his own country get destroyed by mass importation of foreign bantus
I think you mean Zulu. There is a native African population in South Africa, and I think those are Bantu. The Zulu were actually foreign invaders to the region while the Boer were initially settling.
Nope, you're thinking of the San. They're the ones who were living in small, scattered tribes in the wastelands around the cape before the Boers came along to carve a nation out of the wilderness. Zulu came along later and fought wars against the Boers and Brits, but they're also a minority in modern South Africa. Bantu, on the other hand, hail from West Africa and had already genocided quite a few other tribes before spreading into South Africa. Currently, the Bantu majority are treating the San and Zulu almost as badly as the Boer.
I have bad news: Twitter is always a bad way of explaining anything. You actually need conversations with the man in a non-toxic way. This is something that Twitter is incapable of. Especially with Groypers around.
I think you mean Zulu. There is a native African population in South Africa, and I think those are Bantu. The Zulu were actually foreign invaders to the region while the Boer were initially settling.
Nope, you're thinking of the San. They're the ones who were living in small, scattered tribes in the wastelands around the cape before the Boers came along to carve a nation out of the wilderness. Zulu came along later and fought wars against the Boers and Brits, but they're also a minority in modern South Africa. Bantu, on the other hand, hail from West Africa and had already genocided quite a few other tribes before spreading into South Africa. Currently, the Bantu majority are treating the San and Zulu almost as badly as the Boer.
When did the Bantu move in? Was it during one of the Congolese Wars, or was this in a different century?