I think it helps to have a nuanced opinion and make sure we don't spiral into an echo chamber. For my example, I've found that lefties are able to identify a lot of the right problems, it's just that they think gay space communism is the solution to it.
For instance, I completely agree that North American cities are really stupidly designed. The car-centric nature of them means you're stranded if your vehicle breaks down. The fact that you have to go into debt to buy this big stupid box to navigate your own city is ridiculous in the first place.
But when it comes to their solutions for this they can't separate their stupid idpol nonsense from it. My local city government keeps talking about "equitable solutions" to traffic and pedestrian fatalities. Typical "world ending, women most affected" type stuff.
Plus they keep droning on about high density housing which absolutely no one wants to live in. in their utopia we'd all live in depressing Soviet-style block apartments.
16 comments and nobody has anything to say about israel?
Ok, I'll start. Tik Tok is mostly correct about israel. Leftist comedians on Tik Tok are mostly correct about israel.
Tik Tok is also mostly correct about the Standard American Diet being Goy Slop™ that is filled with chemicals and other shit that is killing us. (goyim are gentiles compared to cattle in the talmud, the holy book of jews, which also says Jesus is boiling for all eternity in a pit of feces in hell)
That isn't "the left" though, is the funny part.
It's Tik Tok, and that means it's China.
That's who owns it (for now). It's a very left-leaning platform.
A great deal of leftism in the West is because of China, whether most people see it, and want to admit it, or not. China inherited all sorts of spy programs, cultural infiltration, traitors, shady business, deals, etc from the USSR when it collapsed. China picked up the fallen banner and continued where the Soviets left off, with the benefit of being able to see what the USSR did wrong and try to avoid it. Most of the feminist groups, racial militancy groups, LGBTQ groups, the thousands of college radical "Students for a Democratic Socialist Revolutionary Vanguard Front Blah Blah Blah" that all cropped up in the 60's; all created, funded, and directed by the USSR. China stepped in and just assumed control via keeping the money flowing. TikTok is just one of the many tools China wields against us. But if something is degenerate, leftist, communist, anti-liberty, or poisonous to a coherent high trust society, China has its hand in it somewhere.