you mean how he sheepishly says "that was a joke" when being called out by the lying press over the disinfectants? or how the left got fucking years out of the very fine people hoax and used it with impunity by the left even during this fucking election cycle?
I was being critical about this type of narrative and questions because it's fucking stupid. and that girl didn't write that question, her parents fucking put her up to it, I bet my remaining non-gray pubes on it.
you mean how he sheepishly says "that was a joke" when being called out by the lying press over the disinfectants? or how the left got fucking years out of the very fine people hoax and used it with impunity by the left even during this fucking election cycle?
I was being critical about this type of narrative and questions because it's fucking stupid. and that girl didn't write that question, her parents fucking put her up to it, I bet my remaining non-gray pubes on it.