She is so annoying. All together now…..WRITE YOUR OWN FREAKING STORY! They also said there was gay messaging in Baum’s books. I guess these idiots will see race/lgbt/feminism in anything.
They see a platonic male relationship and think it’s gay. Everything is sexualized to them because they have absolutely zero natural connections to other humans.
These are also the same ppl who use the term “heteronormative” like it’s a bad thing and refuse to accept that since the vast majority are heterosexual then by definition it is the norm.
Bill Maher recently did a joke that since the boomers each following generation identified as queer by a margin of 50%, so by 2054 everyone will be gay
Babylon Bee had a joke about the rise of lgbt in young ppl saying “young ppl identify with what is trendy”. I believe eventually they will stop pushing it in entertainment and it will stop being trendy. You always could buy stuff for a gay market but it was niche as it should be
She is so annoying. All together now…..WRITE YOUR OWN FREAKING STORY! They also said there was gay messaging in Baum’s books. I guess these idiots will see race/lgbt/feminism in anything.
They see a platonic male relationship and think it’s gay. Everything is sexualized to them because they have absolutely zero natural connections to other humans.
These are also the same ppl who use the term “heteronormative” like it’s a bad thing and refuse to accept that since the vast majority are heterosexual then by definition it is the norm.
Bill Maher recently did a joke that since the boomers each following generation identified as queer by a margin of 50%, so by 2054 everyone will be gay
Babylon Bee had a joke about the rise of lgbt in young ppl saying “young ppl identify with what is trendy”. I believe eventually they will stop pushing it in entertainment and it will stop being trendy. You always could buy stuff for a gay market but it was niche as it should be