This is pure speculation. I have no evidence. But my gut is telling me we're going to see some kind of faked attack soon in order to instigate open war. The Syria shit, now these mystery drones, people in power looking smug, like they've already read the script. (Very similar to Biden talking about Nordstream before it blew up).
Possibly a false nuclear device, possibly a real one. They may even fail to find it before it detonates.
Regardless, it will be blamed on Iran. DO NOT BELIEVE THIS. It is a lie. Iran has no reason to attack us (and every reason to attack someone else). Sadly, I believe it will still work.
Cui bono? (we all know who).
From what I've heard, the drones are U.S. military drones used to sniff for radioactive material. I've been speculating similar to you, that those drones are there to give plausible deniability to the government, that they were "trying to stop it" while also being behind it. I'm theorizing a possible dirty bomb false flag. Even if they don't have enough fissile material for a conventional nuke, a dirty bomb, in many ways, is worse.
With the shitstorm of international stuff going on, I don't doubt for a second the people in power want to stage another false flag (like 9/11) to get the U.S. involved in more wars for the benefit of a certain demographic (i.e. not White Westerners), which also explains why all military recruitment ads have switched to White men exclusively (zero DEI). It would also explain why the people in power let (helped) Trump get elected, to placate White men, and since "our guy" got in, it's now okay to support the military again, to push more globohomo across the planet.