Something similar happened with the DANMASK study into the efficacy of face masks. "The Science™" had already determined that face masks were the solution to stop the virus spreading, the study stated otherwise and they were constantly thwarted in their attempts to publish the results. It did get published but in a kneecapped manner.
The advocates of "The Science™" love the scientific method and praising the role of science until it gives an uncomfortable finding that goes polar to their beliefs. Then they become authoritarian and ideological. They even reverse the scientific method - having the conclusion first and finding anything that fits that conclusion - such as during 2020 and 2021.
Something similar happened with the DANMASK study into the efficacy of face masks. "The Science™" had already determined that face masks were the solution to stop the virus spreading, the study stated otherwise and they were constantly thwarted in their attempts to publish the results. It did get published but in a kneecapped manner.
The advocates of "The Science™" love the scientific method and praising the role of science until it gives an uncomfortable finding that goes polar to their beliefs. Then they become authoritarian and ideological. They even reverse the scientific method - having the conclusion first and finding anything that fits that conclusion - such as during 2020 and 2021.