So its circling the wagon when I give you a real answer, and faking retarded when I give you a joking one.
Its okay, I get you are mad I didn't give you the answer you wanted to your weakass gotcha questions. But you should try going back and seeing that the point remained the same in both the "try hard" response and the low effort one, no pretend needed.
You just can't seem to follow and are responding only in Twitter level responses.
Except I didn't do that. I said that he cleared the very low bar of being better than the alternative. And then said not to treat singular failures as the end of existence where you end up shooting yourself in the foot in a frothing rage over it.
The fact that you can't grasp such a simple concept is why "nothing ever changes" either. Because you'll destroy everything that isn't perfect and then wonder why the Left keeps gaining ground.
You're doing it again. You're acknowledging his flaws only to downplay them.
The fact that you can't grasp such a simple concept is why "nothing ever changes" either. Because you'll destroy everything that isn't perfect and then wonder why the Left keeps gaining ground.
This is demonstrably false. Right-wing parties win elections. They aren't losing because perfectionists stay home. We win elections and then lurch leftward anyway because we settle for a shitty right wing.
Did nothing of the sort, my nigga. You seem to be used to making an accusation and then it being reality, which is a very Leftist trait you should work on.
They aren't losing because perfectionists stay home
I brought up Fuentes earlier for a reason. Because he demonstrably on record told people to not vote for Trump because he didn't like his stance on a few issues. Which, in our system, is helping Harris win. If more people shared that opinion then we would have lost and nothing would have changed for the better whatsoever. It is in fact a major problem in our aisle.
I am very sorry that such a radical position of "don't lose your shit the moment a politician doesn't 100% represent your beliefs" is this hard for you to hear. Not "don't criticize them for it" (which is what you want me to be saying), but literally don't REEEEEEE blindly.
If guys emulating Leftists like you are the path for a "non-shitty right wing" then I'd rather be done with this America nonsense and get to the civil war already.
So its circling the wagon when I give you a real answer, and faking retarded when I give you a joking one.
Its okay, I get you are mad I didn't give you the answer you wanted to your weakass gotcha questions. But you should try going back and seeing that the point remained the same in both the "try hard" response and the low effort one, no pretend needed.
You just can't seem to follow and are responding only in Twitter level responses.
It's circling the wagons when you defend Trump and try to encourage ignoring his flaws, yes.
Except I didn't do that. I said that he cleared the very low bar of being better than the alternative. And then said not to treat singular failures as the end of existence where you end up shooting yourself in the foot in a frothing rage over it.
The fact that you can't grasp such a simple concept is why "nothing ever changes" either. Because you'll destroy everything that isn't perfect and then wonder why the Left keeps gaining ground.
You're doing it again. You're acknowledging his flaws only to downplay them.
This is demonstrably false. Right-wing parties win elections. They aren't losing because perfectionists stay home. We win elections and then lurch leftward anyway because we settle for a shitty right wing.
Did nothing of the sort, my nigga. You seem to be used to making an accusation and then it being reality, which is a very Leftist trait you should work on.
I brought up Fuentes earlier for a reason. Because he demonstrably on record told people to not vote for Trump because he didn't like his stance on a few issues. Which, in our system, is helping Harris win. If more people shared that opinion then we would have lost and nothing would have changed for the better whatsoever. It is in fact a major problem in our aisle.
I am very sorry that such a radical position of "don't lose your shit the moment a politician doesn't 100% represent your beliefs" is this hard for you to hear. Not "don't criticize them for it" (which is what you want me to be saying), but literally don't REEEEEEE blindly.
If guys emulating Leftists like you are the path for a "non-shitty right wing" then I'd rather be done with this America nonsense and get to the civil war already.