Jet Li's Rise To Honour was absolutely awesome. The shooting segments were utter tosh, but it had one of the best fighting control mechanisms in any beat-'em-up game I ever played. It helped that Jet Li did the actual fight choreography and motion capture for his character -- and he was fast and fluid enough so that just moving the right analog around made it feel very cinematic. That game still has an unrivaled combat system, and it's a shame we don't have it in any other beat-'em-up titles, but it would take an excellent talent like Jet Li to make it viable.
Jet Li's Rise To Honour was absolutely awesome. The shooting segments were utter tosh, but it had one of the best fighting control mechanisms in any beat-'em-up game I ever played. It helped that Jet Li did the actual fight choreography and motion capture for his character -- and he was fast and fluid enough so that just moving the right analog around made it feel very cinematic. That game still has an unrivaled combat system, and it's a shame we don't have it in any other beat-'em-up titles, but it would take an excellent talent like Jet Li to make it viable.